Thursday, December 6, 2007


The holidays are here and the most popular way of shopping is to order online. Is this really the best way?
The Internet and a credit card is all you need. Just a few clicks and your shopping is done. All you have to do is sit back and wait for them to arrive.
Then suddenly you get an email that one of your gifts has been back ordered and will be shipped out in a few weeks. That is fine. It should still get here in time. It will only take a few days to get here. No big deal.
Then one package arrives on time. But wait, it only has a couple of the items you ordered. The packaging says packaged and shipped separately. Again, it should be a problem. You will get the other package in a day or two.
A day or two has gone by and still no other packages arrive.
Finally you decide to make a desperate phone call to the company. They assure you that the package will be mailed out by the end of the week.
Still, you should receive your package the weekend before the holidays.
So, you wait. And wait. And wait.
Still, you have no package. You apologize to your family and friends and tell them as soon as you get the package they will get their gifts.
Three days after the holidays and your package arrives.
You think to yourself. It would have been a lot easier to have just drove to the mall and got your shopping done.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Children Listen...Really!

Everyone says that children don’t listen or they have selective hearing. Well, there are wrong. Children listen to everything being said around them. The parents may not realize it, but they are. I know this because of the word usage my son uses.
We have four cats and my parents have three. Both my parents and I take really good care of the cats and make sure they along with their litter boxes are clean.
While spending an afternoon at my parents, my father was telling me about an incident with their cats. The boys were on the couch with their faces glued to the television. We were at the kitchen table that is not too far away from the boys.
“Let me tell you what that cat did this morning,” Dad said.
“What did he do know?” I replied.
“He came out of the bedroom and instead of walking to the door to go outside he climbed up in your mothers plant and took a huge shit!” Dad said.
“It’s poop, dad,” I said.
“Oh whatever. They aren’t even listening,” He replied.
So, I took the boys home that evening. We had our dinner and baths. I got the boys ready for bed and they were on the couch watching their bedtime Scooby-Doo show. I took this opportunity to get on my computer and attempt to finish some homework.
Then the interruption came.
“Mommy,” I heard in a loud voice.
I got up and walked out to the living room.
“What, Isaac?” I asked.
“The kitties took a shit. I smell kitty shit,” he exclaimed.
I am sure my face turned bright red. I was trying not to laugh or scold him.
“Honey, that isn’t the kind of language we use,” I explained.
“Fine. Poop. I smell kitty kitty poop,” he said.
So, even though you think your children are glued to the television or are too wrapped up in their puzzles and activities think again. They hear every word that you say.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ex In-Laws

Divorced families have it difficult especially when there are children involved. There are custody issues and visitations schedules. It is hard to keep track of everything.
This all seems easy and preferred to a single parent with no help from the other parent. What makes matters even worse is when the in-laws step in and try to take the missing parents place.
Raising children on your own is difficult, but having other people trying to tell you what you should be doing and how you are to do it makes it impossible.
Explaining your wishes to your in-laws is not easy. You need to let them know what you want and how you want to have it done.
The children are yours not theirs. They need to understand this. Grandparents don’t get joint custody with you and they don’t get a set visitation schedule.
It would be in your best interest and your children’s interest if you allow them to see their grandparents, but it should be agreed upon by both parties. They should not talk down to you or criticize you especially in front of the children. You should do the same as well.
Just remember after the divorce they are no longer your in-laws. There is no need to invite them to join in your life. Don’t feel the need to update them on your life. However, they are still the children’s grandparents and they need to be able to spend time with them and it would be nice if they could get pictures of special events and updates on special moments.

Finding a Babysitter

Finding a good reliable babysitter that you can trust is becoming a difficult task for parents.
In the past parents were able to use the neighborhood teenager who babysat for all the younger children. The teenager usually was a neighbor and all neighbors got along.
Now neighbors don’t always get along and if you ask most people they don’t even know half of the families on their own block. Teenagers now have a lot more to do and are more untrustworthy. They also don’t have time to babysit.
Now, parents are trying to count on their own families, such as grandparents and sometimes great-grandparents. However, families are starting to migrate to where they can find jobs so using the family might be difficult.
There is always the church and friends that you know through your church. Then what do the parents who don’t attend church do?
One place to start is putting an ad in the local newspaper. Once you get people who answer the ads, you need to start an interview process. Don’t forget to get names of references along with parents that you can talk to.
No matter what avenue you take to find a babysitter always remember to do reference checks and speak to their parents and make sure they are trustworthy and reliable.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Animals are a wonderful thing. They give great companion ship to all ages. Dogs are great for exercise. Cats are great for needing a loving pet that is very independent. Fish are nice for watching and relaxing.

Human beings are a very nurturing species. People enjoy having animals so they have something to nurture that isn’t as involved as a child.

There is just one problem with animals. There are too many of them. The shelters around town are over crowded. They are tons of stray animals walking around not getting the attention and medical care that is needed. The strays are caring diseases that is past on to pets who have owners and the owners are having to pay a lot of money to treat these diseases.

There are several options that people have. For starters if you adopt a pet the first thing you need to consider is spaying or neutering the animal. There are many veterinary hospitals around town that will do this at a very early age. Not only is this good to stop reproducing, it also prevents certain cancers and other problems that may arise in their future.

Secondly, if you see a stray animal roaming around your neighborhood, call animal control and let them pick up the animal and take it to the shelter so that it can get the help it needs.

There are so many animals out there that need loving homes. Educating people on how to take care of their animals is something that this world needs. If you want to adopt a pet start with calling a local veterinarian office and find out everything that it entails so you are fully prepared for owning a pet.


Finally, she gets the kids in bed. They are not quite asleep yet, but the movie is tiring them and they are actually quiet. The cats are meowing, waiting patiently for their dinner. She fills the cat bowls and heads to grab her pajamas.

She gets everything that is needed for a nice, hot bath laid out and heads to the tub. Everything is perfect and at last she gets to end her evening with a nice long bath. Nothing could go wrong.
Suddenly as she turns the faucet on the water explodes. Water is gushing everywhere and to top it off it is the hot water. She grabs the faucet knob and shoves it back into place, but it isn’t screwing on. She can’t let go.

She hollers for her son to bring her the phone and she calls her father who rushes over to turn
the water to the house completely off. The faucet gets fixed, clothes changed and everyone is calmed down.

She contemplates take her bath, but exhaustion has set in and getting through a shower is the only thing possible.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Trunk or Treat

No more going door to door. No more worrying about the safety of our children. The best part of it all is you get the same amount of candy and possibly more.

Children get to walk through the church parking lot in their costumes. They go from one trunk of a car to the next doing their usual trick or treating.

The cars are usually owned by people who attend the church; however, the event is open to anyone no matter what their beliefs are.

There are even other things for the children to do besides getting candy. There are games for them to play, police cars that they can sit in, bouncers to bounce in and food and drinks.

It is an entire evening of fun in one open ,lighted, and safe place.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Lots of people actually question if it is possible for a person to change. Not just their every day life style, but the way they think, feel and live their lives.

For instance, a man or a woman can change in a relationship if they do something wrong like cheating. There are, however, some people out there who actually don’t believe this. Some people believe that it takes therapy and work to get the trust back in a relationship. Some believe it could never be the same no matter what you do.

There are people out there who believe that people who get sentenced to prison can go through therapy and change. Some actually do change and others just say they do to get out. There are also people who commit smaller crimes that get lighter punishments. They believe that they can change.

Change can be good if the person who needs to change wants to change. But, that isn’t always the case. We as individual people are charged with attempting to decide when these people do the things they do and commit the crimes they do if they have the ability to make the necessary changes. This is the most difficult thing in this country to do.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Single Mother.....Doing Things Alone.

They run screaming like sirens through the small house. She pleads at
them. “Please Stop!” They get louder, pretending she’s not even there.
Her pounding head falls into her trembling hands. The tears begin to
pour out.

They hit and push, pinch and bite. She uses all her energy to break
them up. They just fight right through her. She can’t control them.
Why does she have to do this alone?

They pick up their toys and make their beds. Deep down she knows
they sometimes listen. They play quietly, sharing their cars and trains.
She can see they love each other. Is it possible that she can do it alone?

They hug and kiss her goodnight. She tucks them in bed and she smiles.
They say, “Love you mommy.” She backs out of the room, her head in
her hands. The tears begin to pour out.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Parents vs. Children

Parents are special people; especially to their children. They play a vital role in the lives of their children.
Children have always thought that once they reach the age of 18 they are finally on their own and their parents will leave all the decision making to them. This is not true.
Parents will try to continue making the decisions until the child puts their foot down. Sometimes even when the child attempts to put a stop to it their parents still don’t listen.
Children are left with how to deal with this situation without hurting their parents. Everyone knows that most of the time the parents are just worried and want what is best for their child no matter what their age is. However, this tends to put a damper on the child’s life.
This situation can cause different problems. It can cause problems in the child’s relationships or marriages. It can cause big issues between parent and child in regards to they way the child lives. These problems can develop into problems between the parent and child to where they stop speaking and they both miss out on things they shouldn’t be missing out on.
There is no easy way to deal with these issues. Families need to really think about what their views are compared to others. Not every one, including parents and children, are going to believe and think the same way.
Attempting to see things from the others point of view might help. Also, parents need to give their children the opportunities to make their own decisions even if they are the wrong ones. The best way a child can learn is from their own mistakes.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Surgery

A cat is given to them for care. The owner waves saying a silent prayer.

A meow of fear is heard from the cage. She has no clue why she’s here. She looks at her surroundings in a daze.

The surgery is set up and blood work is done. She falls asleep; the prepping has begun. The doctor suits up with gloves, mask, and gown and the assistants watch her breathe while the surgical blade is found.

The first cut is made and the surgery has begun. The doctor performs with ease until the last stitch is done.

Pain medication is given as she wakes up. Soft food and cool water is put in her cup. She waits comfortably and warm for her owner to come and take her home.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


He screams as he jumps from the car. Refusing to do anything that she tells him, he runs for the back yard.

He is devastated because he wasn't the one to get the newspaper at the end of the drive way.

She forces him into the house. He refuses to take off his shoes and jacket. He starts to cry.

She is ready to go off but holds her breath and walks away. He slowly takes off his shoes and sits on the couch to watch tv.

She comes out of the kitchen and to give him his pill. He has been on these pills for over a year. They help most of the time, but he still has problems.

She continues to tell herself that he has a problem and it won't go ahead. She tries to convince herself that he isn't evil.

She puts him to bed later that evening and looks at him softly. Love always beats out frustration.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Gift

Crouching down as low as she could hiding in the thickness of the weeds. She sniffs in the air trying to find the smell she is looking for.

She doesn’t move.

Her ears twitch indicating that she hears all the sounds around her. She stops trying to concentrate on one particular sound.

She still doesn’t move.

She is waiting for the perfect moment. Suddenly she pounces.

It is fighting and wiggling in her mouth. It screams are piercing. She refuses to let it go. Hanging on as tight as she can because she fears it will get away.

Finally, it goes limp in her mouth.

Carefully she carries it to the doorstep. Dropping it in front of the door; she sits proudly awaiting her praise.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Headache

The severe pounding brings tears to the eyes. It almost feels as if a knife is constantly being driving at several different points.

Every single noise drives the pain up a notch. Noises ranging from the telephone ringing to children’s voices to the neighbors dog barking. Will they ever stop?

Visions become blurry. The eyes squint to try and make everything clear. Finally giving up, the eyes go closed. Dizziness has set in.

Pills, pills, and more pills, but none of them seem to touch the pain. Relief is no where in site.

Stress from work, school, and normal every day life. There is just too much stress in this world. It is a wonder everyone doesn’t always have one.

Finally, sleep sets in and in the morning the pain will be gone. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring a more peaceful day and the stress not near as rough as today.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


In today's world knowing and being friends with your neighbors is difficult. People tend to not be as friendly as they use to be. There are not more neighborhood get togethers or BB Q's. It is difficult if you need something or need help to go next door or across the street to ask your neighbor.

There are even situations where there is dislike for neighbors for various reasons (sometimes the reasoning's are ridiculous, but that is another story). It even gets so bad that you are worried about what kind of people they are and are afraid to interact or allow your children to have contact with them or their children.

Society today has everyone afraid of who may be coming around. From the burglary's all the way to the sex crimes; we are so afraid to associate with anyone that we don't know a complete history on. It makes living life a little harder when we have to start thinking twice about people who live next door.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


There is a single mother of two children. The father is not in the picture at all. She gets no help financially from any one. There is no way for her to make it on her own with out sometype of help. People tell her to contact SRS. They offer all types of help for single mothers. She does and is informed that there is health insurance for her children as well as help financially with daycare and school expenses. There is also help with groceries and sometimes cash assistance. So, she fills out the application and spends months trying to get in contact with a case worker to get the help started. Once she gets the help everything is good. Then something happens like her children go to a different day care. The day care won't take payment from SRS without having a contract from SRS. She spends another month trying to get in contact with her caseworker to get this changed. In this process, she leaves several messages on her case workers machine with no response. She calls the supervisor only to find out her case worker is on vacation and has failed to leave this on her voice mail. It takes two more weeks to get the contract switched. Next, her oldest child starts kindergarten and won't be attending day care. So, she starts calling her new case worker (the other no longer works there) and they play phone tag. After a week of waiting for a return call she calls again only to find out that her new caseworker is in trainging and won't be back in the office until September 4th. She is told to contact another case worker. She has left messages with no response yet. To top this off she gets a letter from SRS saying that her food stamps will be discontinued because she failed to return the report she was to fill out. She had filled out this report and returned it said date. This was followed by another form inquiring about job and income information. This form was returned by said date. The question is that if SRS is suppose to be there to help and support the families who are in need, why do they make it so impossible to get the help and so frustrating on the families who are trying there hardest to make it. They have enough problems to deal with without the frustration from a company who is suppose to be there to help them through these times.