Monday, October 15, 2007

Single Mother.....Doing Things Alone.

They run screaming like sirens through the small house. She pleads at
them. “Please Stop!” They get louder, pretending she’s not even there.
Her pounding head falls into her trembling hands. The tears begin to
pour out.

They hit and push, pinch and bite. She uses all her energy to break
them up. They just fight right through her. She can’t control them.
Why does she have to do this alone?

They pick up their toys and make their beds. Deep down she knows
they sometimes listen. They play quietly, sharing their cars and trains.
She can see they love each other. Is it possible that she can do it alone?

They hug and kiss her goodnight. She tucks them in bed and she smiles.
They say, “Love you mommy.” She backs out of the room, her head in
her hands. The tears begin to pour out.

1 comment:

triciaf said...

Being a mother is hard enough, and I am sure being a single mother is even harder. I like how you describe the kids running through the house like sirens, it painted a clear visual in my mind. Kids are awesome, huh?! =)