Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Gift

Crouching down as low as she could hiding in the thickness of the weeds. She sniffs in the air trying to find the smell she is looking for.

She doesn’t move.

Her ears twitch indicating that she hears all the sounds around her. She stops trying to concentrate on one particular sound.

She still doesn’t move.

She is waiting for the perfect moment. Suddenly she pounces.

It is fighting and wiggling in her mouth. It screams are piercing. She refuses to let it go. Hanging on as tight as she can because she fears it will get away.

Finally, it goes limp in her mouth.

Carefully she carries it to the doorstep. Dropping it in front of the door; she sits proudly awaiting her praise.


Jeannine said...

talk about my kind of gift! great use of short paragraphs.

Travis Perry said...

Very vivid, I loved the descriptions. Cats are wonderful like that...