Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Surgery

A cat is given to them for care. The owner waves saying a silent prayer.

A meow of fear is heard from the cage. She has no clue why she’s here. She looks at her surroundings in a daze.

The surgery is set up and blood work is done. She falls asleep; the prepping has begun. The doctor suits up with gloves, mask, and gown and the assistants watch her breathe while the surgical blade is found.

The first cut is made and the surgery has begun. The doctor performs with ease until the last stitch is done.

Pain medication is given as she wakes up. Soft food and cool water is put in her cup. She waits comfortably and warm for her owner to come and take her home.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


He screams as he jumps from the car. Refusing to do anything that she tells him, he runs for the back yard.

He is devastated because he wasn't the one to get the newspaper at the end of the drive way.

She forces him into the house. He refuses to take off his shoes and jacket. He starts to cry.

She is ready to go off but holds her breath and walks away. He slowly takes off his shoes and sits on the couch to watch tv.

She comes out of the kitchen and to give him his pill. He has been on these pills for over a year. They help most of the time, but he still has problems.

She continues to tell herself that he has a problem and it won't go ahead. She tries to convince herself that he isn't evil.

She puts him to bed later that evening and looks at him softly. Love always beats out frustration.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Gift

Crouching down as low as she could hiding in the thickness of the weeds. She sniffs in the air trying to find the smell she is looking for.

She doesn’t move.

Her ears twitch indicating that she hears all the sounds around her. She stops trying to concentrate on one particular sound.

She still doesn’t move.

She is waiting for the perfect moment. Suddenly she pounces.

It is fighting and wiggling in her mouth. It screams are piercing. She refuses to let it go. Hanging on as tight as she can because she fears it will get away.

Finally, it goes limp in her mouth.

Carefully she carries it to the doorstep. Dropping it in front of the door; she sits proudly awaiting her praise.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Headache

The severe pounding brings tears to the eyes. It almost feels as if a knife is constantly being driving at several different points.

Every single noise drives the pain up a notch. Noises ranging from the telephone ringing to children’s voices to the neighbors dog barking. Will they ever stop?

Visions become blurry. The eyes squint to try and make everything clear. Finally giving up, the eyes go closed. Dizziness has set in.

Pills, pills, and more pills, but none of them seem to touch the pain. Relief is no where in site.

Stress from work, school, and normal every day life. There is just too much stress in this world. It is a wonder everyone doesn’t always have one.

Finally, sleep sets in and in the morning the pain will be gone. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring a more peaceful day and the stress not near as rough as today.